Domů Štítky Víra

štítek: víra

Homo Deus

Harari, Yuval Noah: Homo Deus

In 1974 the first World Food Conference was convened in Rome, and delegates were treated to apocalyptic scenarios. They were told that there was no...
A History of God

Armstrong, Karen: A History Of God

Like art, religion has been an attempt to find meaning and value in life, despite the suffering that flesh is heir to. Like any other human...
Islam the West

Ramadan, Tariq: Islam, the West and the Challenges of Modernity

“Our problem is one of spirituality. If a man comes to speak to me about the reforms to be undertaken in the Muslim world, about political...
Humans: from the beginning

Seddon, Christopher: Humans

At the present time, we are living in a warm interglacial period: MIS 1. This was preceded by the glacial MIS 2, which lasted from 24,000...
Tears of the Giraffe

Alexander McCall Smith: Tears of the Giraffe

‘ God will provide,’ said Mma Potokwane calmly. ‘He will send us a new engine one day.’ ‘Maybe,’ said Mr J. L. B....
Poisonwood Bible

Barbara Kingsolver: Poisonwood Bible

Father feels makeup and nail polish are warning signals of prostitution, the same as pierced ears. Father surveyed our despair as if he’d expected it all along,...
Alois Musil Ze světa islámu

Alois Musil: Ze světa islámu

Český badatel a cestovatel, který prcestoval region cca před 100 lety. O hadíthech (existuje 6 zdravých sbírek, al kutub as-sitta) „Rostoucí potřeba církevního práva přiměla...

Michael Shashar: Hovory o Bohu a světě s Ješajahu Leibowitzem

Tanach vs. Homér „Z hlediska literární hodnoty stojí Homérova díl možná výš než spisy Tanachu. Také díla Sofoklova, některých anglických spisovatelů, Goetha a Puškina jsou...