Domů Štítky Příroda

štítek: příroda

Weidensaul, Scott: A World on the Wing

Researchers have found that in advance of their flights, migrant birds can bulk up with new muscle mass without really exercising, something humans would...

Yong, Ed: An Immense World

Philosophers have long pitied the goldfish in its bowl, unaware of what lies beyond, but our senses create a bowl around us too—one that...

Antonelli, Alexandre: The Hidden Universe

As a consequence, species are now probably disappearing faster than any time in human history. On every island, every continent, every coral reef, a...

Wallace-Wells, David: The Uninhabitable Earth

The earth has experienced five mass extinctions before the one we are living through now, each so complete a wiping of the fossil record...

McGuire, Bill: Hothouse Earth

What I mean by hothouse Earth, then, is not an ice-free planet, but a world in which lethal heatwaves and temperatures in excess of...
Life on Earth

Attenborough, David: Life on Earth

Using this method we can estimate that the Last Universal Common Ancestor of all life on earth – commonly known as LUCA, and basically...

Barrett, Lisa Feldman: Seven And A Half Lessons About The Brain

Why did a brain like yours evolve? That question is not answerable because evolution does not act with purpose—​there is no “why.” But we...

Kolbert, Elizabeth: The Sixth Extinction

If there is danger in the human trajectory, it is not so much in the survival of our own species as in the fulfillment...
Smil Vaclav Growth

Smil, Vaclav: Growth

Recently it has been possible to claim that 90% or more of all the extant information in the world has been generated over the preceding...
Radeji zesilet v divocine

Palán, Aleš: Raději zešílet v divočině

Z ptačího pohledu je to pragmatické, ale když je člověk při zpěvu pozoruje, vidí, že do toho dávají všechno. Pozoroval jsem pěnici černohlavou, jak se rozechvěje,...
Origin Story

Christian, David: Origin Story

What makes humans different from all other brainy species is language, a communication tool that is extraordinarily powerful because it allows us to share our individual...
Tajný život stromů

Peter Wohlleben: Tajný život stromů

„Jak mohl zbytek stromu, zvláště pak pařez, přežít několikasetletou hladovku? Tento exemplář to však zcela zjevně zvládnul. Dostávalo se mu podpory od sousedních stromů,...
Sapiens Harari

Yuval Noah Harari: Sapiens – A Brief History of Humankind

In Homo sapiens, the brain accounts for about 2–3 per cent of total body weight, but it consumes 25 per cent of the body’s...
The Moral Animal Cover

Robert Wright: The Moral Animal

But it has taken only around 5,000 generations to turn a wolf into a chihuahua — and, at the same time, along a separate...
V genech neni vsechno

Richerson, P. J.; Boyd, R.: V genech není všechno

Psychologové Richard Nisbett a Dov Cohen se ve své nové knize Kultura cti (Culture of Honor) snaží dokázat, že jih je mnohem násilnější, protože jižané mají...

Robin Dunbar: Příběh rodu Homo

„Závěrem tedy můžeme říci, že bipedie, velký mozek a nástroje (to, co jsme tak dlouho považovali za znaky definující lidství), pravděpodobně pocházejí ze zcela...