Domů Štítky člověk

štítek: člověk

Yong, Ed: An Immense World

Philosophers have long pitied the goldfish in its bowl, unaware of what lies beyond, but our senses create a bowl around us too—one that...

Barrett, Lisa Feldman: Seven And A Half Lessons About The Brain

Why did a brain like yours evolve? That question is not answerable because evolution does not act with purpose—​there is no “why.” But we...
Smil Vaclav Growth

Smil, Vaclav: Growth

Recently it has been possible to claim that 90% or more of all the extant information in the world has been generated over the preceding...
Homo Deus

Harari, Yuval Noah: Homo Deus

In 1974 the first World Food Conference was convened in Rome, and delegates were treated to apocalyptic scenarios. They were told that there was no...

Rosling, Hans: Faktomluva

Každá skupina lidí na světě, která dělala tento test, se domnívá, že svět je mnohem hrozivější, násilnější a beznadějnější – zkrátka dramatičtější – než ve skutečnosti je. ========== Lidé...
Humans: from the beginning

Seddon, Christopher: Humans

At the present time, we are living in a warm interglacial period: MIS 1. This was preceded by the glacial MIS 2, which lasted from 24,000...
Masters of the Planet

Tattersall, Ian: Masters of the Planet

Because of the peculiar construction resulting from their complex history, our brains are far from directly comparable to a feat of human engineering. Indeed, they are...
Humans who awent exctinct

Clive Finlayson: The Humans Who Went Extinct

We know now that Neanderthals were pale skinned, had a range of hair colours comparable to Caucasians, and had a gene that we share and which...
Sapiens Harari

Yuval Noah Harari: Sapiens – A Brief History of Humankind

In Homo sapiens, the brain accounts for about 2–3 per cent of total body weight, but it consumes 25 per cent of the body’s...
Lone Survivors

Chris Stringer: Lone Survivors

The origin of modern Homo sapiens must have been a relatively recent and restricted one in Africa, based on marked similarities between recent humans...

Robin Dunbar: Příběh rodu Homo

„Závěrem tedy můžeme říci, že bipedie, velký mozek a nástroje (to, co jsme tak dlouho považovali za znaky definující lidství), pravděpodobně pocházejí ze zcela...

Richard Leakey: Původ lidstva

Co stvořilo člověka? Možná jen nepatrná chybička při vrásnění. Původní populace opů žila ve vlhkých pralesích v pásu od západu na východ Afriky. Chůze po...