Domů Štítky Chudoba

štítek: chudoba

Conover, Ted: Cheap Land Colorado

The local expert on cold-calling is Matt Little, charged by the social service group La Puente with “rural outreach.” Matt has let me ride...

Dorff, PhD, Rabbi Elliot N.: The Jewish Approach to Repairing the World

Tikkun olam—repairing the world. Quite a task! Yet this is precisely the goal that the Jewish tradition sets for our lives. This gives us...

Al Aswany, Alaa: The Yacoubian Building

Then he would bring his speech to an end by cursing Abd el Nasser, who had introduced free education, or quote as authority the...
Deer Hunting with Jeasus

Bageant, Joe: Deer Hunting with Jesus

When the middle-class citizens of Winchester or of the new suburbs of America—the 20 percent or so of Americans whose lives most closely resemble...
Moji mili

Moji milí: Sbírka romské narativní prózy

Blížil se den, kdy jsem měla nastoupit do první třídy, babička měla zrovna práci ve vedlejším městě. Nemohla se mnou tedy jít v osm hodin...
Americká elegie

Vance, J. D.: Americká elegie

Během jízdy venkovskou krajinou s tetou Wee se brzy ráno zastavili na odpočívadle u silnice. Teta Wee si chtěla upravit účes a vyčistit zuby. Strávila tak...
Africka zima

Šebek, Tomáš: Africká zima

Jo, a přestal jsem ke kritickým pacientům běhat. Pacient, který má umřít, umře tak jako tak. Lékař s tím nic neudělá. Na přeživšího pacienta...
The Kalahari Typing School for Men

McCall Smith, Alexander: The Kalahari Typing School for Men

Unfairness seemed to be an inescapable feature of life, at least if you were Mma Makutsi from Bobonong in Northern Botswana, daughter of a man whose...
Poisonwood Bible

Barbara Kingsolver: Poisonwood Bible

Father feels makeup and nail polish are warning signals of prostitution, the same as pierced ears. Father surveyed our despair as if he’d expected it all along,...
Blood River

Tim Butcher: Blood River

For me the Congo stands as a totem for the failed continent of Africa. It has more potential than any other African nation, more diamonds, more...