Prisoners of Geography

Marshall, Tim: Prisoners of Geography

Take, for example, China and India: two massive countries with huge populations that share a very long border but are not politically or culturally aligned. It...
Testosterone Rex

Cordelia Fine: Testosterone Rex

When a baby’s born, their sex is usually the first thing we want to know about them, and the last demographic information you’re ever likely to...
Blue Shoes and Happiness

McCall Smith, Alexander: Blue Shoes and Happiness

‘ Ever since women allowed men to think that they did not need to get married, everything has gone wrong. That is what...
The Full Cupboard of Life

McCall Smith, Alexander: The Full Cupboard of Life

‘You are right,’ she said. ‘I am a very engaged lady. I have been waiting for a long time. But you cannot push men around. They...
In The Company Of Cheerful Ladies

McCall Smith, Alexander: In The Company Of Cheerful Ladies

‘We are all human,’ she would say. ‘Men particularly. You must not be ashamed.’
Morality for Beautiful Girls

McCall Smith, Alexander: Morality for Beautiful Girls

She had realised that the best test of a prospective husband involves no more than the asking of a very simple question, which every woman –...
The Kalahari Typing School for Men

McCall Smith, Alexander: The Kalahari Typing School for Men

Unfairness seemed to be an inescapable feature of life, at least if you were Mma Makutsi from Bobonong in Northern Botswana, daughter of a man whose...
Tears of the Giraffe

Alexander McCall Smith: Tears of the Giraffe

‘ God will provide,’ said Mma Potokwane calmly. ‘He will send us a new engine one day.’ ‘Maybe,’ said Mr J. L. B....
The No 1 Ladies Detective Agency

Alexander McCall Smith: The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency

I said to him that Zululand sounded fine, but that every man has a map in his heart of his own country and that the heart...
Poisonwood Bible

Barbara Kingsolver: Poisonwood Bible

Father feels makeup and nail polish are warning signals of prostitution, the same as pierced ears. Father surveyed our despair as if he’d expected it all along,...
Blood River

Tim Butcher: Blood River

For me the Congo stands as a totem for the failed continent of Africa. It has more potential than any other African nation, more diamonds, more...
Humans who awent exctinct

Clive Finlayson: The Humans Who Went Extinct

We know now that Neanderthals were pale skinned, had a range of hair colours comparable to Caucasians, and had a gene that we share and which...
Tajný život stromů

Peter Wohlleben: Tajný život stromů

„Jak mohl zbytek stromu, zvláště pak pařez, přežít několikasetletou hladovku? Tento exemplář to však zcela zjevně zvládnul. Dostávalo se mu podpory od sousedních stromů,...
The Gene

Siddhartha Mukherjee: The Gene

Three profoundly destabilizing scientific ideas ricochet through the twentieth century, trisecting it into three unequal parts: the atom, the byte, the gene. The simple answer is that matter,...
Growing Up In New Guinea

Margaret Mead: Growing Up in New Guinea

“Children are taught to talk through the men’s and older boys love of playing with children. There is no belief that it is necessary to...
Flying the Knife Edge

Matt McLaughlin: Flying the Knife Edge

And the pick of the bunch: a woman’s bra was kalabus bilong susu (kalabus = prison, susu = breast; literally ‘a prison for boobs’). Between 1990 and...